eVidya Books on preparation for the post of UPPCL Executive Assistant- is a map for success to all aspirants who are applying for the post of executive assistant in UPPCL, counted to be as the most recommended and best book for selection in Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited 2022-2023 recruitment exams .
Immediately after releasing Group ‘C’ notification no. 09/VSA/2022/EA on 3rd August 2022 for electrical service commission, the editorial team gear up to develop practice set on First Paper Part of Computer Knowledge (NIELIT CCC Level)
Learners can enhance their learning by the explanatory solution given in this book.
The book is based on the CBT(Computer Based Test) pattern.
This Practice Book help aspirants to practice speed efficiency in answering the paper.
Based on the new curriculum, this will help aspirants to be in an updated learning process.
Learners can make their practice well by ample 25 practice sets/Solved papers designed in this book.
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